Showing posts with label Coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coffee. Show all posts

Mallow - Marsh

Scientific name: Hibiscus lasiocarpos
Abundance: rare
What: roots, young leaves, flower buds,
How: Leaves, roots, stem, and flowers contain a mucilage-like material which can be used to thicken soups and stews. Flowers can be eaten raw. Young leaves can be eaten raw or cooked with other greens or boiled alone. Roots are peeled, sliced then fried. Flower buds can be raw or cooked. All parts of the plant can be made into tea, seeds are roast and ground for a coffee substitute.
Where: Moist areas
When: Young leaves in spring, summer; roots all year, flowers in summer.
Nutritional Value: Roots high in starch, rest of plant contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals

Medicinal Summary:
Root - demulcent; laxative; slows sugar transfer from stomach to blood; soothes gastrointestinal inflammations (poultice, tisane)

Leaf Arrangement: The leaves are arranged alternately along the stems.

Leaf Shape: The leaves are broadly ovate, with a length of approximately 4 to 6 inches and a width of 3 to 5 inches.

Leaf Venation: The venation is palmate, with prominent veins.

Leaf Margin: The leaf margin is serrated, featuring tooth-like projections along the edge.

Leaf Color: The upper side of the leaves is typically medium to dark green, while the underside may have a lighter hue.

Flower Structure: The 5-petaled flowers are large and showy, with a diameter of about 3 to 5 inches. They are located at the terminal ends of the stems.

Flower Color: The flowers are white to pink with deeper red centers. Calyx have long, narrow protrusions wrapping up the sides of the flower buds.

Fruit: The fruit is an okra-like capsule, approximately 1" long, containing longitudinal lines of seeds attached to a central, multi-sided rib.

Seed: Immature seeds are white and soft, turning dark and hard when mature.

Stem: The stems are erect, with a woody base, supporting the large, terminal flowers. Young stems sections are green or red whereas lower, mature sections can be brown.

Hairs: The leaves, stems, sepals, and calyx are covered in fine, fuzzy hairs.

Height: Hibiscus lasiocarpos can reach a height of 3 to 6 feet, with the large flowers extending above the foliage.

Marsh mallow flowers and flower buds, both of which are edible.
Marsh Mallow

Marsh mallow (plants grow up to four feet tall). Note last year's dried seedpods.


Marsh mallow leaf.

Close-up of marsh mallow leaf. Note the fine hairs which give it a velvety feel.

Marsh mallow flower.


Marsh mallow flower buds before blooming.
Mallow - Marsh

Note the long, narrow calyx wrapping up the sides of the buds .

Tender seedpods taste kind of like okra.
Marsh Mallow

Dried marsh mallow seed pods which have split open, revealing their seeds.
Mallow Marsh

North American distribution, attributed to U. S. Department of Agriculture.

Marsh mallows are usually found in shady, moist areas but on occasion they can be found in sunny, moist areas, too.

To make original marshmallows, peel roots and slice them into thin wafers then boil 20 minutes in minimum amount of water. Remove the root slices, add sugar or other sweetener and boil down fluid until very thick. Whip this hot fluid like egg whites then drop globs onto wax paper, after they've cooled dust them with powdered sugar.

The seeds can be roasted then ground in a coffee grinder for use as a substitute for real coffee. It tastes pretty good, though does not have any caffeine.

Young leaves and tender flower buds can be used to thicken soups, stews, curries, and other sauces. The tender flower buds can also be pickled or fried like okra. Opened flowers can be used in salads or made into tea though these are best the first day they've opened.

The dried root has been used in herbal "tobacco" substitutes.

Mallow - Rose

Scientific Names: Hibiscus palustris
Abundance: very rare
What: flowers, leaves, seeds, seed pods, roots
How: flowers raw, young leaves raw or cooked, seeds roasted. Tender seed pods are cooked. Roots are diced then roasted.
Where: sunny areas, often used in landscaping
When: spring, summer, fall
Nutritional Value: Flowers high in antioxidants; seeds are high in protein & starch; leaves high in minerals; roots contain starch.

Leaf Arrangement: The leaves are arranged alternately along the stems.

Leaf Shape: The leaves are typically palmately lobed, with a length of approximately 3 to 5 inches and a width of 2 to 4 inches.

Leaf Venation: The venation is palmate, with several prominent veins spreading outward from the base of the leaf.

Leaf Margin: The leaf margin is toothed, featuring serrations along the edge.

Leaf Color: The upper side of the leaves is medium to dark green, while the underside may have a lighter hue.

Flower Structure: The 5-petaled flowers are typically solitary, with a diameter of about 2 to 4 inches. They are located at the leaf axils. Calyx has long, spidery fingers running up alongside the flower buds.

Flower Color: The flowers can range in color from white to pale pink or light lavender with a darker red interior.

Fruit: The fruit is a 1" capsule, containing seeds.

Seed: Seeds are small, dark, and numerous within the capsule. They start out white/off-white and then turn brown as the mature.

Stem: The stems are erect, often reddish in color, and may have fine hairs.

Hairs: Fine hairs may be present on the stems and leaves.

Height: Hibiscus palustris can reach a height of 3 to 6 feet, with the flowers positioned at the leaf axils along the stems.

Swamp Rose Mallow (Hibiscus palustris) plants grow up to five feet tall.


Swamp Rose Mallow (Hibiscus palustris) flower and bud.

Closeup of flower buds (green fruit).

Closeup of Rose Mallow flower (petals may be white to pink in color).


Closeup of Rose Mallow seeds inside pod (brown fruit).

Halberd-Leaved Rose Mallow (Hibiscus militaris) plant and flower buds.

Close-up of Halberd-Leaved Rose Mallow (Hibiscus militaris) leaf.

Close-up of young Halberd-Leaved Rose Mallow (Hibiscus militaris) flower bud.

Rose mallows are usually found in moist, sunny areas but on occasion they can be found in shady, moist areas, too.

The seeds can be roasted then ground in a coffee grinder for use as a substitute for real coffee. It tastes pretty good, though does not have any caffeine.

Young tender leaves can be cooked like spinach but I find them a bit too rough/stiff to use raw. The flowers are good raw or added to tea. The tender, young flower buds and seed pods can be used like okra, either friend, pickled, or added to Cajun and African foods. The flowers work well in salads.

Buy my book! Outdoor Adventure Guides Foraging covers 70 of North America's tastiest and easy to find wild edibles shown with the same big pictures as here on the Foraging Texas website.

Sunflower - Wild

Scientific name: Helianthus annuus
Abundance: plentiful
What: young flowers, seeds
How: seeds can be eaten raw, ground into flour, roasted, or crushed for sunflower oil, the shells can be roasted then used as a coffee substitute; young flowers are boiled
Where: Sunny areas, ditches, abandoned yards
When: Seeds ripen in late summer, early fall
Nutritional Value: carbohydrates, protein and oils

Leaf Arrangement: Opposite at the base of the stem but alternating at the top; leaves can measure up to 12 inches long.

Leaf Shape: Ovate to heart-shaped with a pointed tip, typically 6 inches wide and 12 inches long.

Leaf Venation: Pinnate, with a prominent central vein from which smaller veins branch out.

Leaf Margin: Serrated or toothed, with small, sharp teeth along the edge.

Leaf Color: Bright green, with a rough texture to the touch.

Flower Structure: Composite - what looks like one flower is actually composed of many ray (single long, yellow petal) and disc (small, dark) flowers. Flower heads grow to be about 3 inches in diameter.

Flower Color: Bright yellow petals (ray florets) surrounding a dark brown to purple central disc.

Fruit: The fruit is an achene, about 1/4 inch long and 1/8 inch wide.

Seed: Tiny, with a tear-dropped shape and black or striped hulls.

Stem: Sturdy, hairy stem that can grow over 10 feet tall. Green or yellowish, often with small, dark spots.

Hairs: Stiff, bristly hairs cover the stem and leaf surfaces.

Height: Can reach heights of 6 to 10 feet, depending on the variety and growing conditions.

Wild sunflowers

Close-up of flower with immature seeds.

Back of sunflower.

Sunflower leaves ranging from 2" to 6" in length.

Close-up of stem. Both leaves and stem have fine hairs.

Texas distribution, attributed to U. S. Department of Agriculture. The marked counties are guidelines only. Plants may appear in other counties, especially if used in landscaping.

North American distribution, attributed to U. S. Department of Agriculture.

Running rampant just about any sunny place mankind has torn up soil, the tall, gangly sunflowers seem to thrive in every wasteland. The flowers are much small flowers, only 2-3 inches across, are plentiful on each thick, tall stalk.

The young flower buds, when green and before they've opened, are quite good when boiled until tender then served with butter. I'll also add the young flower buds to stews and curries. The mature seeds are an excellent source of high-calorie oil which birds and other animals love. Humans can eat them, too but they are very small and generally aren't worth the effort to gather.

Buy my book! Outdoor Adventure Guides Foraging covers 70 of North America's tastiest and easy to find wild edibles shown with the same big pictures as here on the Foraging Texas website.

Texas Dandelion

Scientific Name(s): Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus
Abundance: common
What: root, young leaves
How: root as tea, coffee; leaves as bitter greens
Where: fields, disturbed areas, roadsides
When: spring
Nutritional Value: minerals, vitamins C & A
Dangers: don't mistake for Common Groundsel

Leaf Arrangement: The leaves of Texas dandelion form a basal rosette, which means they grow in a circular arrangement at the base of the plant, close to the ground.

Leaf Shape: The leaves are generally oblong or lanceolate, often with lobes that can be irregular/asymmetrical.

Venation: The venation is pinnate.

Leaf Margin: The margins of the leaves are usually toothed or slightly lobed, giving them a serrated appearance.

Leaf Color: The color of the leaves is typically a medium to dark green, sometimes with a hint of red or purple along the veins or edges.

Flower Structure: Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus produces flower heads at the ends of slender stalks. Each flower head is composed of many small yellow ray and disk florets, resembling a dandelion flower. 

Flower Color: The flowers are bright yellow with a ring of black stalks around the flower's core. Underside of flowers will have several light-tan rays.

Fruits: The fruit is a small, dry, one-seeded achene that is brownish and ridged, often with a tuft of fine hairs (pappus) at the top, aiding in wind dispersal.

Seeds: The seeds are small and oblong, with a pappus (feathery umbrella) that facilitates wind dispersal.

Stems: The flowering stems are erect, hollow, and branched, often reaching heights of 10 to 20 inches. They are typically green and may have fine hairs. Stems branch multiple times.

Hairs: The edges and undersides of leaves have fine hairs, as do the stems.

Height: The plant usually grows to a height of about 12 to 24 inch

Open flower and never-opened flower buds.
False Dandelion (Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus)

Open flower and previously-opened flower.
False Dandelion (Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus)

Close-up of flower. Note the dark stamens.
False Dandelion (Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus)

False Dandelion

Back and front of flower, along with flower stem. Note the tan structures.
Cat's Ear

Base rosette and stem. Note the base leaves lack deep serrations.
False Dandelion (Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus) – Version 2

Mature leaf.
False Dandelion

Texas distribution, attributed to U. S. Department of Agriculture. The marked counties are guidelines only. Plants may appear in other counties, especially if used in landscaping.

North American distribution, attributed to U. S. Department of Agriculture.

As more and more people move into Texas from lesser desirable states the fields of our yellow Texas Dandelion leads to confusion in late spring and early summer. The flower looks like a true dandelion, except for the dabs of brown on the stamens. Closer observation shows multiple flowers and leaves growing off the thick, green stem that grows up to nearly three feet tall. The leaves lack the sharp spearpoint and backwards pointing pointy lobes. These signs should indicate you don't have a true dandelion. But that's okay! You can use the Texas Dandelion the same as true dandelions.

The flowers of Texas Dandelion make an okay tea, perhaps not quite as rich in flavor as true dandelions. Remember to remove the green "collar" from the flower just as you must with true dandelions. You can also make jelly from these flowers which actually tastes pretty dang good.

The leaves of Texas Dandelion are used in the same manner as true dandelion leaves but unfortunately they aren't quite as nutritious. Texas Dandelion roots can be dried for tea or roasted for a coffee-substitute. The bitter flavor of the roots are becoming popular with high-end bartenders making their own concoctions where these roots replace traditional bitters.

Edible Dandelion Mimics:
Cat's Ear
Japanese Hawkweed
Sow Thistle
Texas Dandelion
Wild Lettuce

Buy my book! Outdoor Adventure Guides Foraging covers 70 of North America's tastiest and easy to find wild edibles shown with the same big pictures as here on the Foraging Texas website.

Thistle - Milk

Scientific Name(s): Silybum marianum
Abundance: uncommon
What: roots, leaves, young flowers, seeds
How: roots raw or cooked; young leaves raw or steamed after removing spines; flowers are steamed; seeds roasted or pressed for oil.
Where: sunny fields
When: spring, summer
Nutritional Value: Vit. C, calories
Dangers: Spines must be removed before cooking or eating. Some people may be allergic to milk thistles, especially those allergic to artichokes.

Medicinal Properties:
Flowers/Leaves/Stem/Seeds* - protects and heals liver (raw, tisane)
*greats medicinal property found in the seeds

Leaf Arrangement: Basal and alternate along the stem.
Leaf Shape: Deeply lobed, obovate, spiny green leaves with distinctive white marbling.
Leaf Venation: Pinnate with one main vein running from the base towards the tip.
Leaf Margin: Has both teeth and lobes.
Leaf Color: Spiny green leaves with white veins and noticeable white coloring following the veins.
Flower Structure: Thistle-like, mildly-scented, purple-pink flower heads (2" across) subtended by spiny bracts.
Flower Color: Purple-pink.
Fruit: Small, dry, one-seeded fruits (achenes) attached to a parachute-like structure called a pappus.

Seeds: Each with a pappus for wind dispersal, resembling a small, brown, elongated seed.

Stem: Grooved, hollow, and may be covered in a light cottony fuzz.
Hairs: Simple hairs on the leaf blade with no glands, not tangled or wooly.
Height: Grows up to 6 feet tall.

Milk thistle.
Milk Thistle

Milk thistle seedling.
Milk Thistle

Slightly older milk thistle.

Close-ups of a milk thistle flower.


Milk thistle seed, which science has found to be a powerful source of liver-detoxification compounds.

Texas distribution, attributed to U. S. Department of Agriculture. The marked counties are guidelines only. Plants may appear in other counties, especially if used in landscaping.

North American distribution, attributed to U. S. Department of Agriculture.

Milk thistles are easy to identify by their height (upwards of 6' tall), beautiful purple flowers, and white veins on blue-green leaves. Start looking for it in open fields in mid-February though depending on the weather they can be found into early summer.

The stem is tasty when peeled and then eaten raw, but try to get it before the flowers have opened. The leaf center "rib" is also tasty after the rest of the leaf (and prickers) are stripped away. The roots can be roasted for a coffee substitute.

They have a long history of medicinal use, especially for treatment of the liver. A tea made from all parts of the plant is the usual method of treating the liver though the seeds have the most effect according to recent research. Link to medicinal usage.

Beware mistaking White Prickly Poppy (Argemone albiflora) for milk thistle. Prickly poppy leaves are much narrower (less than 1" wide in lobed portions) and significantly less "milky" in the veins. If unsure, let the plant form flowers, which are white with yellow centers on prickly poppy.

Prickly Poppy leaf.
Prickly Poppy

Prickly poppy flower.
Prickly Poppy

Buy my book! Outdoor Adventure Guides Foraging covers 70 of North America's tastiest and easy to find wild edibles shown with the same big pictures as here on the Foraging Texas website.

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